There’s something magical about the opening notes of Last Christmas by Wham! on the piano. The familiar melody instantly transports us back to the holiday season, filled with nostalgia and cheer. In this blog post, we’ll explore the joy of playing this iconic song on the piano, breaking down the chords and sharing tips for mastering its playful rhythm. So grab your sheet music and let’s dive into the enchanting world of Last Christmas on the piano.

Getting Started

Before diving into learning how to play ‘Last Christmas’ on the piano, it’s important to find the right sheet music or tutorial that suits your skill level. Look for resources that provide a clear breakdown of the chords and melody, as well as tips on how to effectively practice the song.

Understanding the Key Signature and Tempo

Take the time to familiarize yourself with the key signature of the song, which will determine the notes and chords used throughout. Additionally, pay attention to the tempo of ‘Last Christmas’ to ensure that you maintain the right pace and rhythm while playing.

By getting a solid grasp of the key signature and tempo, you’ll set yourself up for success in mastering the song and capturing its festive essence on the piano.

III. Mastering the Chords

Mastering the chords is a crucial step in learning to play ‘Last Christmas’ on the piano. The song features simple yet effective chord progressions that create its signature sound. Here are some tips to help you practice and master each chord:

Break down the chord progressions:

Start by identifying the key signature of the song, which is D major for ‘Last Christmas.’ The primary chords used in the song are D, A, G, and Em. Practice transitioning smoothly between these chords to ensure a seamless performance.

Provide tips for practicing and mastering each chord:

  • Practice each chord individually to ensure you are playing the correct notes.
  • Focus on the positioning of your fingers and the placement of each chord on the keyboard.
  • Slow down the tempo if needed to perfect the transitions between chords.

By breaking down the chord progressions and focusing on mastering each chord, you will build a strong foundation for playing ‘Last Christmas’ on the piano.

Adding Melody and Rhythm

Once you have mastered the chord progressions of ‘Last Christmas,’ it’s time to add in the melody and rhythm to bring the song to life on the piano. The melody is the central theme of the song, and incorporating it while playing the chords will enhance the overall sound and capture the essence of the original piece.

Here are some techniques to help you integrate the melody with the chords and improve your rhythm and timing:

1. Play the melody with your right hand

While your left hand plays the chords, use your right hand to pick out the melody notes. Practice playing them together slowly, focusing on coordinating both hands to create a seamless and harmonious sound.

2. Pay attention to rhythm

Listen to the original song and pay close attention to the rhythm. Practice playing the melody and chords together in time with the beat, making sure to maintain a steady tempo throughout. This will help you capture the groove and feel of the song.

3. Use dynamics to enhance the melody

Add dynamics, such as playing softer during softer passages and louder during more intense moments, to enhance the emotional impact of the melody. Experiment with different levels of volume and expression to create a dynamic and engaging performance.

By incorporating the melody and rhythm while playing the chords, you will be able to truly capture the spirit of ‘Last Christmas’ on piano. Remember to practice regularly, focus on coordination between both hands, and strive for a well-balanced and expressive performance.

Creating Dynamics

Dynamics play a crucial role in bringing a piece of music to life, and ‘Last Christmas’ is no exception. By varying the volume, intensity, and expression of your playing, you can capture the emotion and energy of the song. Here are some tips on how to create dynamics while playing ‘Last Christmas’ on the piano:

Importance of Dynamics

Dynamics help to add depth and emotion to your performance. In ‘Last Christmas,’ you can use dynamics to convey the melancholy and longing in the lyrics, as well as the joy and festivity of the holiday season. By playing some parts louder and others softer, you can create a dynamic contrast that keeps your audience engaged and connected to the music.

Examples of Dynamics

Here are some specific examples of where you can add dynamics in ‘Last Christmas’:

  • Play the verses softly to create a sense of intimacy and vulnerability
  • Increase the volume during the chorus to build excitement and energy
  • Use crescendos and decrescendos to create a dynamic arc throughout the song

By paying attention to dynamics and experimenting with different levels of volume and expression, you can make your performance of ‘Last Christmas’ more dynamic and engaging.

VI. Overcoming Challenges

Learning to play ‘Last Christmas’ on piano may come with its challenges, but overcoming them can be a rewarding experience that enriches your musical journey. It’s normal to face difficulties, especially when tackling a new piece, but with dedication and perseverance, you can conquer any obstacles that come your way.

Personal Experiences

As a pianist myself, I’ve encountered struggles while trying to master ‘Last Christmas.’ From getting the chord progressions right to perfecting the rhythm, there were moments of frustration and doubt. However, each setback served as a valuable lesson that ultimately propelled me forward. Through consistent practice and a positive mindset, I was able to overcome these hurdles and achieve a sense of accomplishment.

Motivation and Encouragement

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or discouraged during your practice sessions, remember that every pianist, no matter their skill level, has faced challenges at some point. Stay motivated by setting small goals and celebrating your progress along the way. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from a music teacher or fellow pianist if you’re struggling with a particular aspect of the song. With dedication and a resilient attitude, you can navigate through obstacles and emerge as a stronger pianist.

Keep in mind that the journey to mastering ‘Last Christmas’ on piano is as important as reaching the final destination. Embrace the learning process, cherish the moments of growth, and enjoy the satisfaction of playing a beloved holiday classic with confidence and joy.


In conclusion, playing Last Christmas by Wham! on the piano is a festive and enjoyable experience for musicians of all skill levels. This iconic holiday song is filled with catchy melodies and upbeat rhythms that are sure to get everyone in the holiday spirit. Whether you are a beginner just learning to play or an experienced pianist looking for a fun new piece to add to your repertoire, Last Christmas is a great choice. By following the chord progressions and incorporating your own stylistic flourishes, you can make this classic song your own. So, gather your friends and family around the piano this holiday season and spread some cheer with your rendition of Last Christmas. Happy playing!

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